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Dev tricks: Animating a reordered list in React

Smooth list item transitions without a third-party library.

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Introducing the Fractional Developer Plan!

Long-term contracts for reliable, flexible development services.

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Client stories: An ETL pipeline for Every Voice

Empowering community participation in politics through big data and cloud services

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Client stories: Designing and Deploying a Healthcare Database

Saving and securing sensitive information in the cloud

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Client stories: React App Groundwork

Laying the foundation for an internal-use cloud tool

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Client stories: Red Car Analytics

Tending to a neglected Wordpress site

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Dev re-dive series #1: The gateway to understanding

Demystifying gateway protocols through the lens of FastAPI

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Dev tricks: Asynchronous job control in bash scripts

Run multiple background jobs in parallel with a few handy builtins and operators

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Choosing the freelancer path

My hopes are high, but my expectations are tempered

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